Online Brochure
NATIVE LANDSCAPES 617-437-6461 LYNN, MA 239-332-1505 FT. MYERS, FL Environmental Science, Civil Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, Wildlife Habitat Identification, Habitat Enhancement, Wetland Restoration, Stormwater Quality Data

About Our Firm

Boston Project Samples

Florida Project Samples

Florida Residence Slideshow

Online Brochure

Contact Us

Indigenous Landscapes & Urban Design

Firm's Vision


View our Brochure using the links below.
Use the links below to view our Brochure online. You may choose either High Speed or Low Speed Connection depending on your internet service. They are the same brochure, the Low Speed option is broken down into several pages that are smaller files for easier downloading for slower connections. If you would like a copy of our Boston Brochure or our Florida Brochure for printing purposes use these links.

High Speed Connections -
View our Boston Brochure or our Florida Brochure

Low Speed Connections -
Florida Brochure

Introduction Brochure Introduction describes our Firm and the types of Services we provide.
Public Space & Housing Various Public Space Design Projects.
Landscape Codes & Mangroves Various Landscape Code Projects and Mangrove Trimming.
Qualifications Resumes, References & Reimbursement.

Low Speed Connections -
Boston Brochure

Introduction Brochure Introduction describes our Firm and the types of Services we provide.
Streetscape Brighton Streetscape. Large scale Streetscape Project in Boston.
Public Space Various Public Space Design Projects.
Public Space Various Public Space Design Projects.
Housing Various Housing Projects - from small residential to large scale apartments.
Wetlands Wetland Restoration Projects.
Qualifications Resumes, References & Reimbursement.